I discovered everything yesterday. I thought "No, It isn't possible!", and instead it was, unfortunately, the sad reality...before of yesterday,I never realized how much it's sad to lose a person...whether you know her or whether  you don't know her...Thanks to her pictures that I saw, I think that she is a phenomenal girl...why am I saying "she IS.." instead of "she WAS.."?Because we everybody know thst she isn't died, that Vadim isn't died, but that simply  they are waiting us, from the sky they're protecting us, because they know that we are near to them and to their families , with the hearth and the spirit...FOREVER! It's incredible! You are asking to yourself why we feel so much sorrow for two people that we didn't know...Well, this means that we aren't indifferent, we haven't an hearth of stone, and hoewever to hold alive their memories! Jaclyn, with your smile, that there was in all the 15love episodes, you make me happy...It was clean that when you laughed, you didn't laugh because it was written on the script, but because it was natural for you...natural how to breathe. From the pictures of this website, I understood that I am similar to you a bit, Jackie...smiles, smiles and again smiles. It is unlooker, do you know? Before of yesterday I wasn't very interesting to it, because I thought that the accident in 15love was only one finction...now, instead, the only thing that I want is  to read a lot of memories about Jackie , to hold alive the memory of a star that has start to shine on the earth, and now she shines in the sky..

For Larry Linetsky and his realtives: I am near to you, even if  4 years are passed, and I share your pain...

Jaclyn, Vadim, even if it is strange... I love you, expecially to you Jackie, that with your smile you are making to understand to me that it must to laugh in the life always! Continue to smile also from the sky...With all the love that I have for you in my hearth, with the hope that jackie's father read this memories, I send a big kiss to you my angels....Forever in my hearth, forever in my mind!!!
